Sunday, August 21, 2011

Portfolio Update

Since my last portfolio update, I've made one change. In my last portfolio update, I stated that I bought 3 puts against DWA and that the trick was going to be knowing when to get out. Well, only days later did I get out. The result was a meager profit of just under 25%. Other than that, the only other thing to report is that I collected a dividend on my CPLP position.

That is my opinion, you can take it or leave it.   Disclaimer: See bottom of page.

CPLP - Capital Product Partners, LP
DWA - Dreamworks Animation SKG

Monday, August 8, 2011

August 2011 Budget Bill: Where the US Government Went Wrong

Once again the US politicians prove that they don't have a clue about, or an interest, in the greater good. Just like with the Health Care Bill, this Budget Bill is tossed together with little intelligent thought or understanding of governments role. If the US politicians truly cared about balancing a budget and creating jobs, they would have agreed to a bill that would have done that.

The first step in balancing the budget would have been a show of good faith from the politicians themselves. They should have agreed to a deep cut in their own salaries. I say 100,000$ since I believe that they all have their own businesses that they run and in no way need the US public funding them. Public service shouldn't be for their own capital gain. It would only cut the budget by 54.8 million dollars, but it would be a step in the right direction.

The second step would have been to come to terms with an acceptable flat tax for all individuals with tax reimbursements for those have an imbalance in their income to the average cost of living for the area they live in. What this means is that I would agree to a non-refundable 15% tax rate for everyone from the millionaire business owners and investors, all the way down to the individuals that are Just Over Broke (at the poverty line). Only those that earn less than the average cost of living in their area would get a tax reimbursement after filing their taxes. But that reimbursement would only cover the difference of their after tax income to the average cost of living amount for their area, and max out at the 15% tax rate that they paid, or should have paid through out the year.

Third, supply tax incentives to businesses. For instance, if a company increases their number of US based employees through out the rest of the year, reduce their tax liability. Isn't it better to collect from the working public? (Oops, we just slipped into job creation.) Also, increase the tax penalty on US companies that outsource work to other countries. Nothing outrageous. Just enough to get them to at least think about keeping more jobs at home. Increase the tax on imports. Again, nothing outrageous. Just enough to get them to look into local companies to produce the goods. What all of these numbers are would be best asked for from a panel of economists majors.

Fourth, reform the government agencies. Put quotas in place to achieve better performance for the pay that the directors are receiving. This would set a benchmark that would cause the private sector to re-evaluate the salaries that they offer their executives. And although this may be too late to the party, for all the companies that are still holding on to the bail out money they receive three years ago, start leaning on them to pay it back,  by getting their executives to take temporary pay cuts so that bailout can be paid back. Especially if they are the same ones that were there before 2008.

Lastly, to increase the number of jobs and lessen the dependency on foreign oil, actually work on funding the U.S. infrastructure. That means solar, wind, and even tidal generated power. Use U.S. based manufactures to build and assemble the generation units and higher U.S. citizens to build, assemble, install and maintain the devices.

I have several more ideas, but these alone I believe will actually produce a shocking change in economy. I would really like for someone to show me how I am wrong. That is my opinion, you can take it or leave it. Disclaimer: See bottom of page.

Portfolio Update

Last week was an absolutely terrible week for my portfolio, and this week isn't looking any better. Being as heavily invested in the market as I am, my portfolio is taking a serious hit. My direct equity positions are now down between 27 and 51%. The saving grace to my portfolio is that I made a few trending option plays that are hedging my losses.

Since May 2011, I have had a 30$ Call option against my DWA shares set to expire in September 2011. On the Friday of last week, I bought 3 17.50$ Put options for DWA and I am thankful that I did. With my equity position down over 37%, the Put options are shaving about 2% from that and will exponentially shave more points off of that percentage as the market and DWA gets hammered. It is just a matter of getting out at the right time since they will expire in December 2011.

Additionally, today I had a 2.50$ Put option sold against my cash for an additional position in CIM. The option is set to expire in December 2011 and is only slightly below the current market value of 2.85$. With the coming weeks I will be allocating more cash to my trading account in preparation for purchasing shares in some really good companies that are being beaten down along with everything else. That is my opinion, you can take it or leave it. Disclaimer: See bottom of page.

CIM - Chimera Investment Corp.
DWA - Dreamworks Animation SKG