Dow => 8131.33, +47.95
Nasdaq => 1673.07, +20.53
S&P => 869.60, +13.04
AMD => 3.56, -0.19 (Sell Assigned@3.00 by AMD DG)
F => 4.00, -0.24 (Sell Assigned@3.00 by F DG)
NG => 2.34, -0.58
CVX QJ => 0.10, -0.10
FPL QH => 0.15, unchanged
Market Outlook
My opinion of the market still hasn't changed. Yes, the government officials of China and the United States say that the economy isn't that bad and is actually showing signs of improvement, and I agree with them. But, we are not talking about the economy. We are talking about a more specific topic. The stock market.
As I have been mentioning for the past few weeks, the market is over bought, too much money is in it for this cycle. Every week has been showing week gains. This is one indication that the market is running out of steam. It is only a matter of time until the market reverses. Now, the reversal probably won't be very large, but it must occur before the market can move significantly higher.
Options Market
So I got assigned. Oh well. You win some, you loose some. My Ford and AMD stock got called away from me because this bull move has been resisting the inevitable. It can't maintain these levels for much longer, but it did it long enough to get me called out.
Oh well. At least I made a profit on my stock positions. Both Ford and AMD were originally purchased at 1.92 and 2.21 respectively.
That is my opinion, you can take it or leave it.
Disclaimer: I am not a stock broker; I am not a financial advisor; I am not recommending to you what to buy or sell. I am just an opinionated investor. If you decide to follow in my footsteps you are taking risk. It is inevitable that I may be wrong. So if you are going to follow in my footsteps that is your own personal decision. I am not responsible for any loss that you may, and probably will, incur regardless of my opinion.
That is my opinion, you can take it or leave it.
Disclaimer: I am not a stock broker; I am not a financial advisor; I am not recommending to you what to buy or sell. I am just an opinionated investor. If you decide to follow in my footsteps you are taking risk. It is inevitable that I may be wrong. So if you are going to follow in my footsteps that is your own personal decision. I am not responsible for any loss that you may, and probably will, incur regardless of my opinion.
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