Where an opinionated investor posts his thoughts about the market and how he is investing in it. You may use my thoughts and picks in your own research, but remember I am not advising you on what to do. It's my opinion. What's yours?
Monday, November 21, 2011
28 Members of Congress Are Worthless!
Now that statistic may be considered interesting, but I personally wasn't all that impressed. The one that really caught my attention blows a whole in the assumption that I made in my August 8, 2011 post entitled August 2011 Budget Bill: Where the US Government Went Wrong and reiterated again in my October 11, 2011 post entitled Again, Why Politicians Should Take a Pay Cut.
Apparently not all politicians are well off, but 5% of them are financially STUPID! Out of the 530 members of congress, 28 of them have a net worth of 0 or less. That's right! When you take the value of their assets and subtract their liabilities, the result is that they are not even treading water. Of these 28 members of congress, 4 are breaking even and the rest are drowning in debt. One is even over $4 million in the hole. That's right! $4 MILLION. And of all people, it is Democrat Alcee Hastings of Florida. But don't get too proud Republican readers. First runner up is Republican Stephen Fincher of Tennessee, with over $3 million.
To round out these statistics, let me mention that 12 of these fiscal idiots are Republicans and 16 are Democrats. I was actually surprised to see any Republicans this low in the list considering their mountain top cry for fiscal responsibility. Taking this into consideration, I don't see how anyone can side with one party or another about achieving fiscal responsibility. With only a marginal deviation, both sides of the aisle are equally inept about fiscal issues. And then today, the Super Committee "throws in the towel" in regards to coming up with a plan. Just sad.
My opinion, congresses first step should be to eliminate their own dead weight. Drop the bottom 28 members of congress and make it IMPOSSIBLE for a fiscally irresponsible person to even run for congress. They are a waist of tax payer money. Then they can take the pay cut I previously mentioned.
That is my opinion, you can take it or leave it. Disclaimer: See bottom of page. http://investorsopinion.blogspot.com
Friday, November 18, 2011
Portfolio Update
As a result of all the European debt issues, on November 4th I STC my position of CPLP call options I BTO on October 20th. The result was a loss of ~57%. Since then, CPLP has continued to decline, and I sold my entire position on November 15th. That sale resulted in a loss of ~39%, not taking into account any of the dividends I received in the past or the dividend I received on November 16th. After doing that I continued looking at the chart for CPLP and it is channeling slightly to the upside. I might consider buying a couple Call options slightly out of the money and way out in time and wait to see if there is one of those pops that CPLP has done in the past. But at the same time, I finally learned what it means to compare PEG ratios, and apparently CPLP is over priced. So with this new knowledge, I found a couple of really "cheap" stocks in comparison that also pay dividends, GLNG and TDW.
Back on October 14th, I rolled an AAPL Call option to a higher strike price that profited me enough that I would be playing with the houses money. On November 7th I rolled this option out for another month, but unfortunately AAPL has been on the decline. Right now the AAPL Call option I own is almost worthless. At this point only a little of the profit from the original AAPL Call option position remains. I don't think I will be doing anymore rolling of this option. If it does not start rebounding, I will accept the loss.
On November 16th, I BTO positions in IWM and GLD. The plan with these is to build up positions that reflect the four asset classes. IWM for the broad market of stocks, GLD for gold, and in time, with the execution of my open order that is still pending a lower price, TLT for long term treasury bonds. The forth asset class is cash which remains in my account for the purpose of selling put options against. This is an imitation of the American Asset Management investment portfolio owned by Julian Rubinstein. And if I can hold to my plan, I should be able to produce better than his 9% a year track record.
Finally, on November 18th, I sold my lossing position in DWA. The final result of this was a loss of ~43%. As was mentioned with CPLP, I found out that the PEG for DWA indicated that it was over priced. On top of that the expectation I had that people would spend more time in theaters than traveling was too ambitious in these turbulent times. However, my research did reveal that there are two stocks in the same industry that are doing well, CNK and RGC. These two are the theaters that DWA movies play in. Despite the disappointing attendance in comparison to previous years, they both have nicer earnings than DWA. On top of that, they both pay a dividend. I might take a position in either or both stocks at some time in the future.
That is my opinion, you can take it or leave it. Disclaimer: See bottom of page. http://investorsopinion.blogspot.com
AAPL - Apple Inc.
BTO - buy-to-open/bought-to-open
CNK - Cinemark Holdings Inc
CPLP - Capital Product Partners, LP
DWA - Dreamworks Animation SKG
GLD - SPDR Gold Trust
GLNG - Golar LNG Ltd.
IWM - Ishares Russell 2000
PEG - Price-to-Equity by Growth Rate ratio
RGC - Regal Entertainment Group
"rolled" - (rolling) - to sell-to-close one position and buy-to-open another position in the same group of options to take profit or extend risk.
TDW - Tidewater Inc.
STC - sell-to-close/sold-to-close
Saturday, October 29, 2011
Portfolio Update
On October 11th, I had a BTO call option position for AAPL at the 450$ strike price. Three days later I rolled the position to the higher strike price of 485$. This profited me a net of ~95$ or 20%. The gross profit was ~375$ or 79%. This means that I am currently playing with "the houses" money as a gambler would say. This is good for me because the value of that option is now down ~98% with 22 days until expiration. I am still bullish on AAPL, but would not be surprised if I would have to roll this option at a loss just to get a little more time to see my target realized since "Black Friday" comes after this positions expiration.
On October 20th, I BTO 3 CPLP call options for the 7.50$ strike price. I did this because it broke through it's most recent resistance level of 7$. I was expecting a little more upside with the breakout, but since then it has only been trading within pennies of this resistance/support level. I am thinking that it will pull back some, but afterwards power through to at least the next resistance level of $8. I also BTO this position with 5 months until expiration, so I have time on my side.
On October 27th, I BTO two more call options. The first was a for DWA at the 25$ strike price. I BTO this position because it broke a current downward trend line almost two weeks before, and then on the 27th broke above it's recent 20$ resistance level. This position also looks like it will be pulling back some before going up much higher. Fortunately for me, this position is also good until March of 2012, so I have time to wait and see.
The other call option position I BTO on the 27th was for GLD at the 180$ strike price. I BTO this position because it had already broke above the 165$ resistance level it gaped under back in late September and just finished filling the gap created back between September 22nd and 23rd. Gold has a pretty good run during the winter holidays so I believe GLD should be going up in the next few months. I only have up until the December expiration, so am looking for profit by "Black Friday".
In other news, my CIM stock position just recently paid me for holding on to it. Not a lot but, it does help to own dividend paying stocks. It has broken a recent downward trending line but still has one more and a resistance level it failed to break through back in August. That being said, my put option I STO looks like it will expire worthless. If that is the case, I still get to keep my 20$ premium I collected for selling the option and my 250$ that is securing it.
That is my opinion, you can take it or leave it. Disclaimer: See bottom of page. http://investorsopinion.blogspot.com
AAPL - Apple, Inc.
BTO - buy-to-open / bought-to-open
CIM - Chimera Investment Corp.
CPLP - Capital Product Partners, LP
DWA - Dreamworks Animation SKG, Inc.
GLD - SPDR Gold Shares (ETF)
"rolled" - (rolling) - to sell-to-close one position and buy-to-open another position in the same group of options to take profit or extend risk.
STO - sell-to-open / sold-to-open
Tuesday, October 11, 2011
Portfolio Update
The first thing I have to report about my trades is that the call option I STO against my position in DWA expired worthless. That means that I get to keep the $34.37 premium I received. I am currently planning my next move with DWA.
My next trade was to BTO a put option against RIMM for Nov 19 2011 at the $23 strike price. This trade was STC 6 trading days later and profited $10.75, or ~5%.
Two days later I BTO two put options against RIMM for Oct 22 2011 at the $20 strike price. This trade was STC 3 trading days later and profited $49.39, or ~23%.
I currently have 4 open or pending orders, 3 open stock positions, and 1 open option position. My plan is to wait to see if my 1 open option position expires worthless or has me put into CIM for another 100 shares at $2.50 a share. My 3 open stock positions are all in the red still, but there is past performance that suggest the possibility for eventual turn around. My 4 open or pending orders are for a position of call options on AAPL, a position of put options on RIMM, a position of call options on CIM, and a position of a call option on CPLP. I am bullish on AAPL, bearish on RIMM, bullish on CIM, and Bullish on CPLP.
That is my opinion, you can take it or leave it. Disclaimer: See bottom of page. http://investorsopinion.blogspot.com
AAPL - Apple, Inc
BTO - buy-to-open / bought-to-open
CIM - Chimera Investment Corporation
CPLP - Capital Product Partners, LP
DWA - Dreamworks Animation, Inc.
RIMM - Research In Motion, LTD
STC - sell-to-close / sold-to-closeSTO - sell-to-open / sold-to-open
Again, Why Politicians Should Take a Pay Cut.
Yahoo! News
Sunday, August 21, 2011
Portfolio Update
Since my last portfolio update, I've made one change. In my last portfolio update, I stated that I bought 3 puts against DWA and that the trick was going to be knowing when to get out. Well, only days later did I get out. The result was a meager profit of just under 25%. Other than that, the only other thing to report is that I collected a dividend on my CPLP position.
That is my opinion, you can take it or leave it. Disclaimer: See bottom of page. http://investorsopinion.blogspot.com
CPLP - Capital Product Partners, LP
DWA - Dreamworks Animation SKG
Monday, August 8, 2011
August 2011 Budget Bill: Where the US Government Went Wrong
The first step in balancing the budget would have been a show of good faith from the politicians themselves. They should have agreed to a deep cut in their own salaries. I say 100,000$ since I believe that they all have their own businesses that they run and in no way need the US public funding them. Public service shouldn't be for their own capital gain. It would only cut the budget by 54.8 million dollars, but it would be a step in the right direction.
The second step would have been to come to terms with an acceptable flat tax for all individuals with tax reimbursements for those have an imbalance in their income to the average cost of living for the area they live in. What this means is that I would agree to a non-refundable 15% tax rate for everyone from the millionaire business owners and investors, all the way down to the individuals that are Just Over Broke (at the poverty line). Only those that earn less than the average cost of living in their area would get a tax reimbursement after filing their taxes. But that reimbursement would only cover the difference of their after tax income to the average cost of living amount for their area, and max out at the 15% tax rate that they paid, or should have paid through out the year.
Third, supply tax incentives to businesses. For instance, if a company increases their number of US based employees through out the rest of the year, reduce their tax liability. Isn't it better to collect from the working public? (Oops, we just slipped into job creation.) Also, increase the tax penalty on US companies that outsource work to other countries. Nothing outrageous. Just enough to get them to at least think about keeping more jobs at home. Increase the tax on imports. Again, nothing outrageous. Just enough to get them to look into local companies to produce the goods. What all of these numbers are would be best asked for from a panel of economists majors.
Fourth, reform the government agencies. Put quotas in place to achieve better performance for the pay that the directors are receiving. This would set a benchmark that would cause the private sector to re-evaluate the salaries that they offer their executives. And although this may be too late to the party, for all the companies that are still holding on to the bail out money they receive three years ago, start leaning on them to pay it back, by getting their executives to take temporary pay cuts so that bailout can be paid back. Especially if they are the same ones that were there before 2008.
Lastly, to increase the number of jobs and lessen the dependency on foreign oil, actually work on funding the U.S. infrastructure. That means solar, wind, and even tidal generated power. Use U.S. based manufactures to build and assemble the generation units and higher U.S. citizens to build, assemble, install and maintain the devices.
I have several more ideas, but these alone I believe will actually produce a shocking change in economy. I would really like for someone to show me how I am wrong. That is my opinion, you can take it or leave it. Disclaimer: See bottom of page. http://investorsopinion.blogspot.com
Portfolio Update
Since May 2011, I have had a 30$ Call option against my DWA shares set to expire in September 2011. On the Friday of last week, I bought 3 17.50$ Put options for DWA and I am thankful that I did. With my equity position down over 37%, the Put options are shaving about 2% from that and will exponentially shave more points off of that percentage as the market and DWA gets hammered. It is just a matter of getting out at the right time since they will expire in December 2011.
Additionally, today I had a 2.50$ Put option sold against my cash for an additional position in CIM. The option is set to expire in December 2011 and is only slightly below the current market value of 2.85$. With the coming weeks I will be allocating more cash to my trading account in preparation for purchasing shares in some really good companies that are being beaten down along with everything else. That is my opinion, you can take it or leave it. Disclaimer: See bottom of page. http://investorsopinion.blogspot.com
CIM - Chimera Investment Corp.
DWA - Dreamworks Animation SKG
Sunday, July 17, 2011
Portfolio Update
The idea here is to make money off of my losers when I really don't think they should not be losers. For instance, DWA has had a lot of really good movies come out this summer. However, that may have been their down fall as the crowds at the theaters have been really light. Most likely because the economy is still really weak and people are even more scared of spending money than I though they would be during the summer.
My other two positions, CIM and CPLP are also currently running at a negative. CIM has recently put in a new 52-week low of 3.18$, and closed this week at 3.25$. Approximately a 20% decline from the 4$ strike price of two of my previous option plays put me in. My orders to sell calls against my shares has yet to be executed so I currently have no hedge in place at the moment. I am curious to see how low it will go, and out of speculation created a put option at the 2.50$ strike price set to expire December 2011.
The situation with my shares of CPLP is relatively the same. CPLP has hit a new 52-week low of 7.86$, but has recovered some the value back since the beginning of last month. However, it is still far from the 10$ strike price of one of my previous option plays put me in. My order to sell a call against my shares has yet to be executed so I currently have no hedge in place at the moment, either.
That is my opinion, you can take it or leave it. Disclaimer: See bottom of page. http://investorsopinion.blogspot.com
CIM - Chimera Investment Corp.
CPLP - Capital Product Partners, LP
DWA - Dreamworks Animation SKG, Inc.
Sunday, June 19, 2011
Portfolio Update: Put Exercised
CIM - Chimera Investment Corp.
STO - sell-to-open / sold-to-open
Saturday, June 4, 2011
Portfolio Update
DWA - Dreamworks Animation SKG, INC
Sunday, May 22, 2011
Portfolio Update
CIM didn't move high enough to trigger the Call option order I STO against the existing shares that I do own. This month, I don't think I will attempt to sell against my current shares. However, with favorable conditions I will still be Put into the 300 shares of CIM by next option expiration just before the stock climbs through the 4$ strike price.
DWA moved down even further decreasing the value of my position in it and negating my order to STO a Call option against my shares from ever being put through. I would really like to see this summer's gas prices keep people going to the theaters for entertainment instead of traveling so that I can at least see a premium for STO a call option against my shares, but that is a bias position considering my stake.
That is my opinion, you can take it or leave it. Disclaimer: See bottom of page. http://investorsopinion.blogspot.com/
CIM - Chimera Investment Corp.
CPLP - Capital Product Partners, LP
DWA - Dreamworks Animation SKG, Inc.
STO - sell-to-open / sold-to-open / selling-to-open
Friday, May 13, 2011
Putting Myself Into A Position
On Thursday I STO three options against my cash for the obligation to buy 300 shares of CIM in the event that it does not break back above 4$ a share before the June expiration date. I think this is a fairly good deal seeing as the company pays out a hefty dividend and shows earnings that can actually support it. As a matter of fact I currently own 100 shares because I did a single order over a month ago.
It is my expectation that I will probably not get put into the 300 share position of CIM since there is so much time between now and the June expiration for those options. But, as always, time will tell. That is my opinion, you can take it or leave it. Disclaimer: See bottom of page. http://investorsopinion.blogspot.com
CIM - Chimera Investment Corp.
STO - sell-to-open/sold-to-open
Tuesday, May 3, 2011
Late Portfolio Update
With the clearing of those transactions I have already STO one Put option against my cash to re-enter a position of CPLP. I am currently waiting to see how my two open orders against my shares of DWA and CIM work out. I hesitate to believe that I will be seeing premium for these two orders this month, but DWA is looking like something is about to happen and CIM is already climbing back up. With 18 days left, time will tell. That is my opinion, you can take it or leave it. Disclaimer: See bottom of page. http://investorsopinion.blogspot.com/
CIM - Chimera Investment Corporation
CPLP - Capital Product Partners, LP
DWA - Dreamworks Animation SKG Inc
STO - sold-to-open/sell-to-open
Wednesday, March 30, 2011
Portfolio Update and Option Pick
When I placed the order to STO a Call option against my shares of CPLP, I was strongly influenced by the direction of the momentum indicators on a weekly interval. It was my belief that investors were taking their profits, and the stock would pull back. Unfortunately the pull-back I was expecting was short lived, and it rocketed up to my strike price and muscled through. Because all stocks go up and down, even more so for dividend stocks, I will allow the Call option to remain open against my shares and STO a put option to get back into the stock at the $10 strike price in the even that I get exercised out of my position.
I had placed the order to get into CIM weeks before last months option expiration with little expectation that it would get executed. I wanted my cash doing something other than just sitting in my trade account. So placing an order to secure an option seemed a responsible action until I found something else better. CIM has a relatively wide range that is swings in for it's cost and the dividend is a nice amount to receive if I get exercised into the stock.
I am still waiting to see what will happen with my open order to STO a Call against my DWA shares. Recently DWA has been making head-way towards the $30 strike price I got exercised into it. If things continue as they are, I should be able to get my desired premium for this option cycle.
That is my opinion, you can take it or leave it. Disclaimer: See bottom of page. http://investorsopinion.blogspot.com/
CIM - Chimera Investment Corporation
CPLP - Capital Product Partners, LP
DWA - Dreamworks Animation SKG Inc
STO - sold-to-open/sell-to-open
Sunday, March 20, 2011
Portfolio Update
On the other hand, CPLP has maintained a relatively high evaluation these passed weeks in response to the Egypt and Lybia news. Despite the news causing it to hold this relatively high evaluation, it did not breach and hold above the $10 strike price of the option I sold against my position. As a result, that option expired worthless this weekend, freeing me to sell against my position again.
I'm looking to find another stock I can sell a Put option against my available cash. I want this stock to have a dividend that I can collect in the event that the option gets exercised and I have to purchase it. Currently all that I have on my watchlist have either suspended their dividend or require more cash than I have available. I will update in the event that I find one.
That is my opinion, you can take it or leave it. Disclaimer: See bottom of page. http://investorsopinion.blogspot.com/
CPLP - Capital Product Partners, LP
DWA - Dreamworks Animation SKG Inc
Tuesday, February 22, 2011
Portfolio Update
I STO the $10 Call option against my shares of CPLP because I did not believe it would stay above the $10 strike price through option expiration. This was a successful analysis as it expired worthless, leaving me with the premium in my account. My opinion of this stock has not changed, so I have STO another $10 Call option against my CPLP shares with the expiration date of March 19, 2011.
The $30 Put option I STO was executed against my cash, so I am currently the owner of 100 shares of DWA. For this reason I set an order to STO a $30 Call option against these shares, unfortunately the stock value has decreased as well as the limit I set to STO the order. Currently the order remains open in wait for the stock price, and option price, to recover. I believe this should occur within the next two weeks. If not, I will STO the next available $30 Call option, for April 2011. That is my opinion, you can take it or leave it. Disclaimer: See bottom of page. http://investorsopinion.blogspot.com/
CPLP - Capital Product Partners, LP
DWA - Dreamworks Animation SKG, Inc.
STO - sold-to-open / sell-to-open
Thursday, January 6, 2011
Portfolio Update
CPLP - Capital Product Partners, LP
STO - sell-to-open / sold-to-open
Tuesday, January 4, 2011
Year In Review and Looking Forward
Last year I opened and closed a total of 28 positions. Out of the 28 positions, 15 of them resulted in profits and 13 of them resulted in loses. This tells me that I am just barely better than 50% right. Unfortunately, when my choices are bad, they are really bad. My 15 profitable choices only earned me $764.25, while my 13 losers has cost me $1,538.68. That results in a net loss of $774.43. And on top of that, some of it cannot be written off because they qualify as wash-sales.
The reasons vary for my bad performance. Some were because of poor analysis, some because I got greedy and didn't take the profit when I had the chance; some because I didn't set my entries or stops properly. This year I have to pick a plan and stick with it. As a result of my getting out of debt last year, I now have extra capital I can devote to my portfolio.
The plan for this year is as follows:
- Only pick from stocks that have options; being a dividend paying stock is a plus.
- Sell cash secured put options for the stocks that I would like to own.
- For stocks I own, sell call options against them at a price higher than I BTO.
That is my opinion, you can take it or leave it. Disclaimer: See bottom of page. http://investorsopinion.blogspot.com/
BTO - bought-to-open / buy-to-open
DWA - Dreamworks Animation SKG, Inc.