Friday, March 5, 2010

Portfolio Update

CPLP had a slightly bullish day on below average volume. The price movement was very small with more down than up. As a result the Stochastic indicator only slowed down a little bit, while the MACD indicator edged up slightly. I cancelled my attempt at selling a call option against my stock as I no longer see any reason to sell against it if it is moving back up at this current time. I will wait for it to pivot back down before putting in another sell order.

EVEP had a bullish day on below average volume. The price movement was generally positive, and as a result the Stochastic indicator continued to rise in the overbought range and the MACD indicator reversed into an upward direction. The pace is steady.

SLV had a bullish day on below average volume. The price movement was generally positive and as a result the Stochastic indicator pushed higher into the overbought range and the MACD indicator continued to go up. The pace seems to be slowing verses that from the end of last week until the middle of this week. My sold call option against my shares still seems secure at present. But if SLV continues to go up all the way through the April expiration of the Call option, I may be exercised against for a gross profit of only $12.20. That is pretty much break-even. Not something I am looking forward to as I would like to be able to sell another call option, to expire in July, against my shares.

As for my paper trades, another mixed bag. S had a barely bullish day, which negatively affects the value of the Call option I "own" due to time decay overpowering the gain of intrinsic value. I have plenty of time to hold onto it so I will. ISPH had a bearish day which protects the Call option I "sold" against the shares I "own". I have two more weeks to wait before I can claim the premium and the shares. That is my opinion, you can take it or leave it.

Disclaimer: See bottom of page.

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